When a priest is not available, Word & Communion will be led by parishioners. For up-to-date information regarding Mass times, please check the Parish Newsletter and Facebook page.
Blenheim 61 Maxwell Rd
Tues: 9.30am Mass
Wed: 12.05pm W & C
5.30pm Rosary ph. 572 9067 for venue
Thurs: 9.30am Mass
Friday 11am Exposition
Reconciliation 11.30am-12 noon
12.05pm Mass
Sat: 5pm Mass
Sun: 10am Mass
(Alternate weekends -Word & Communion)
Masses in Blenheim are now live-streamed. follow this link:
If you subscribe to U-Tube, you will receive notification of the next mass.
Kaikoura Gray's Lane
Tues: 9.30am W&C
Wed: 9.30am W&C
Wed: 7pm Rosary
Thurs:10am Scripture group
5.15pm W&C
Fri: 9.30am W&C
Sun: 9.30am
(Alternate weekends - Word & Communion)
Picton St Joseph's Church
Otago Street
Wed: 9.30am Mass (not over Christmas and January)
Exposition & Reconciliation (by appointment): 10-10.30am
Saturday: 4pm Mass (5pm During Daylight Saving time)
Seddon 15 Foster Street
Sun: 8am Mass
(Alternate weekends -Word & Communion)
May be celebrated during weekend Mass, or at other times.
Please contact the Parish Office to arrange.
Marriages can be celebrated in all our Churches. Please
contact the Parish Office well in advance.